Art Basel is still in full effect in Miami: I hope everyone has been enjoying the events and most of all....the art! On Thursday, December 2nd, Michael Yo hosted

Above: The delicious cupcakes by Sweet Street Desserts.

Above: Jennie Lee, Frankol Delgado and Jeanette Rios attended Original Penguin's 5th Year Anniversary Party on Lincoln Road.

Top left: My friends Richard Morris (left) and Rosa Cordero [Founder & Editor of Accidental Sexiness] strike a pose for MBS during the event. Top Right: Miami Singer and Songwriter, RIA, along with Michael Yo. Make sure to visit www.RIAmusiconline.com for a taste of RIA's sazon!!!

Above: Michael Yo, Jamie Schieken, Taylor Hannum [Elite Model] and Michael Malone [Partner, Your World Entertainment]. Overall, it was a fabulous event. I'm extremely happy I met Michael Yo who is so nice and down to earth. Cheers to Original Penguin and their 5th Year Anniversary!!!